Butte County Recovers-The official website for Butte County disaster response and recovery

Camp Fire Debris Removal Insurance Recovery

Butte County’s Camp Fire Insurance Recovery Manager, Tetra Tech, has been hired by the County to work with insurers and property owners to support the Government Sponsored Debris Removal Program for the 2018 Camp Fire.

Tetra Tech will be contacting insurance companies in reference to the reimbursement provisions of the Government Debris Removal Program and provide an invoice for the costs to date of the private property debris removal as provided to the County by the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES). Tetra Tech will copy property owners with these correspondences to their insurance providers utilizing the electronic contact information if it was provided to the County.

For property owners who already received insurance proceeds from their insurer related to the debris removal, Tetra Tech will work with the property owners to identify any out-of-pocket costs incurred by property owners and any payments that may need to be made to the County. Property owners will not be responsible for any costs outside the available insurance coverage from their insurance policy.

Please contact Tetra Tech for additional information using the following contact methods:

(530) 693-3203

Mailing Address for Documentation and Correspondence:
Butte County Insurance Recovery
PO Box 1916
Oroville, California 95965

Payments Only:
County of Butte
C/O Camp Fire Debris Removal Insurance Reimbursement
25 County Center Drive, Suite 200
Oroville, CA 95965
*Please include the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) with the payment

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